How to Get Bucks on Your Property

Hey there, Reader Testate! Are you a nature enthusiast who wants to witness the majestic beauty of bucks right in your own backyard? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore proven strategies and techniques to help you attract bucks to your property. So, grab your binoculars and let’s dive into the wonderful world of deer watching!

Increasing Deer Habitat

Creating Natural Food Sources

One of the key factors in attracting bucks is providing them with a abundant food sources. Consider planting nutritious crops such as clover, soybeans, and turnips, which are highly preferred by deer. These food plots will not only nourish the bucks, but also enhance the natural habitat, making your property an irresistible haven for them.

In addition to food plots, planting fruit-bearing trees like apple or pear trees can also entice bucks to visit your property. These trees offer delicious and reliable food sources, especially during the fall when bucks are bulking up for the winter months.

Creating Adequate Shelter

Bucks need a safe and secure haven to feel comfortable on your property. Consider creating proper bedding areas by leaving tall grasses or natural thickets untouched. These secluded spots provide bucks with much-needed cover and privacy.

You can also enhance the habitat by strategically planting various types of shrubs and bushes. These dense plants not only offer shelter but also provide additional food sources, creating a perfect haven for bucks.

Providing Water Sources

A vital aspect of deer habitat is access to water. Bucks need to quench their thirst, especially during the hot summer months. By incorporating water features such as ponds or small streams into your property, you will attract not only bucks but also does and fawns. Consider placing water sources in close proximity to food plots or bedding areas to maximize their effectiveness.

Remember, maintaining clean and abundant water sources is crucial. Regularly check and refill water containers or ensure that natural water sources, such as streams, are well-maintained.

Scent and Lure Strategies

Using Deer Attractants

To grab the attention of bucks, consider using deer attractants, such as scented sprays and food-based lures. These products mimic natural scents that deer find intriguing, increasing the chances of them venturing onto your property.

When selecting deer attractants, opt for those containing doe urine or dominant buck scents. These scents give the impression that the area is frequented by other deer, making bucks more likely to investigate.

Strategic Scent Control

To ensure that bucks feel safe visiting your property, it’s essential to minimize human scents. Deer have an incredibly acute sense of smell, so take precautions to control your scent while accessing your hunting or observation areas.

Consider using scent-blocking soaps and sprays specifically designed for hunters. These products neutralize and mask human odors, making it less likely for bucks to be alarmed by your presence.

Timing Matters

Understanding the behavior and patterns of bucks is crucial to attracting them. During the rutting season, bucks are most active and responsive to various attractants. Implementing attractant strategies during this period, which generally occurs between late October and early December, will significantly increase your chances of attracting bucks to your property.

Additionally, consider monitoring weather patterns. Bucks are more likely to feed during cooler temperatures, so plan your scouting or hunting activities accordingly.


Now that you are equipped with a comprehensive guide on how to attract bucks on your property, it’s time to put these strategies into action. Remember, creating a suitable habitat, using scent and lure strategies, and understanding deer behavior are key factors in attracting these magnificent creatures to your doorstep. So, get ready to witness the grace and beauty of bucks right in your own backyard!

For more exciting articles on wildlife and nature, be sure to check out our other guides on birdwatching, wildlife photography, and nature conservation. Happy deer watching, Reader Testate!

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